In 2017, the Maltese government made significant strides in improving working conditions for employees through the collective agreement. A collective agreement is an agreement that outlines the terms and conditions of employment for workers, negotiated by a union on behalf of employees with the employer or employers’ organization. The agreement typically covers wages, hours of work, benefits, and other work-related issues.

The Maltese government, in collaboration with union representatives, negotiated the terms of the collective agreement in 2017. The agreement covers various areas, including job security, working conditions, pay, and benefits. The aim was to create a framework that provides protections for workers and promotes a fair and equitable work environment.

One of the significant changes introduced by the collective agreement was the minimum wage increase, which was set at €747 per month. This increase was the first since 2014 and aimed at reducing income inequality and providing a minimum wage that allowed for a decent standard of living. Additionally, the agreement provided for an increase in the annual leave entitlement, which was raised to 25 days per year.

Another significant change introduced by the collective agreement was the provision of equal opportunities for both men and women in the workplace. The agreement included measures to eliminate gender-based discrimination and promote pay equity between men and women. This provision aims to create a more inclusive work environment that values diversity and promotes fairness.

The collective agreement also introduced measures aimed at improving the work-life balance of employees. One of these measures was the introduction of parent-friendly policies, such as flexible working arrangements and parental leave. These measures aim to support working parents and ensure that they can balance work and family commitments effectively.

In conclusion, the government collective agreement in Malta 2017 was a significant step towards improving the working conditions of employees. The agreement introduced measures that ensure fair pay, job security, and equal opportunities for all workers. Moreover, the agreement focused on improving work-life balance by providing parent-friendly policies. These changes are crucial in promoting a more equitable and inclusive work environment that supports the well-being of employees.