The IBEW 332 Residential Agreement: A Comprehensive Guide

The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local Union 332 represents over 3,500 electrical workers in Santa Clara County, California. The union has negotiated collective bargaining agreements (CBAs) with various employers, including the Residential Agreement, which covers residential electrical installations.

The IBEW 332 Residential Agreement provides a standardized framework for residential electrical work, ensuring that both the employer and the employee have a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities. This agreement covers various aspects of residential electrical installations, including wages, benefits, working conditions, and safety measures.

Wages and Benefits

The IBEW 332 Residential Agreement specifies the minimum wages and benefits that residential electricians are entitled to. This includes hourly rates, overtime pay, and holiday pay. Electricians are also entitled to health insurance, retirement benefits, and other benefits that are outlined in the agreement.

Working Conditions

The agreement specifies the working conditions for residential electricians, including working hours, break times, and job assignments. It also outlines the procedures for resolving disputes between employers and employees, ensuring that both parties have a fair and equitable process for resolving conflicts.

Safety Measures

The IBEW 332 Residential Agreement places a heavy emphasis on safety measures. The agreement specifies the safety requirements for residential electrical installations, including the use of personal protective equipment and adherence to safety regulations. Employers are required to provide training and support to ensure that employees are aware of the safety measures in place.

The Impact of the IBEW 332 Residential Agreement

The IBEW 332 Residential Agreement has a significant impact on the residential electrical industry in Santa Clara County. By providing a standardized framework for residential electrical work, the agreement ensures that electricians are fairly compensated and protected from unsafe working conditions. It also provides employers with clear guidelines for managing their employees and protecting their business interests.

In addition, the agreement promotes a culture of collaboration between employers and employees. The agreement encourages open communication and dialogue between the two parties, allowing for a more productive and efficient work environment.


The IBEW 332 Residential Agreement is a comprehensive agreement that provides a standardized framework for residential electrical work. The agreement covers various aspects of residential electrical installations, including wages, benefits, working conditions, and safety measures. By promoting a culture of collaboration between employers and employees, the agreement ensures a fair and safe working environment for all parties involved.