Maryland Rental Agreements: What Landlords and Tenants Need to Know

Rental agreements are crucial documents that outline the terms and conditions of a lease agreement between landlords and tenants. Maryland rental agreements are subject to both state and federal laws, which dictate the rights and responsibilities of both parties during the tenancy period. In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about Maryland rental agreements, including the legal requirements and the key elements that should be included in the agreement.

The Legal Requirements for Maryland Rental Agreements

Maryland law requires all rental agreements to be in writing and signed by both the landlord and the tenant. The agreement should include essential aspects such as the rent amount, the security deposit, the lease term, and mandatory disclosures. Additionally, landlords should provide tenants with a copy of the Maryland Attorney General`s « Rights and Responsibilities of Landlords and Tenants in Maryland » booklet.

The Key Elements of Maryland Rental Agreements

Rent Amount: The rental agreement should clearly state the rent amount, payment frequency, and methods of payment accepted by the landlord. It should also outline the consequences of late rent payments, such as fees or penalties.

Security Deposit: Maryland law limits the security deposit to two months` rent. The agreement should state the amount of the deposit, the terms of its return, and any deductions that may be made.

Lease Term: The rental agreement should specify the length of the lease term, which can be month-to-month or for a fixed period. Additionally, it should outline the renewal process if applicable.

Maintenance and Repairs: The agreement should state the landlord`s responsibility for maintenance, repairs, and the tenant`s responsibility for maintaining the property in good condition.

Landlord Access: Maryland law requires landlords to provide reasonable notice before accessing the rental property. The agreement should state the landlord`s right to access the property and the notice requirements.

Disclosures: The rental agreement must include mandatory disclosures such as lead-based paint if the property was built before 1978, security system information, and mold remediation.


Maryland rental agreements are essential documents that protect both landlords and tenants during the tenancy period. By including the critical elements mentioned above, landlords and tenants can ensure a smooth rental process and avoid future disputes. It is crucial to understand the legal requirements in Maryland to draft a comprehensive and accurate rental agreement. For any questions or concerns, consult with a qualified attorney or a licensed real estate professional.