Youth Matters (DfES, 2005) continued the ecm programme, with particular emphasis on the need to develop a coherent system to support young people. The need for close cooperation and cooperation between the different agencies working with young people, including the public sector, the voluntary and community sectors and private organisations, was once again highlighted. She placed particular emphasis on supporting the needs of the most vulnerable and complex youth through the development of integrated youth support services and the role of the « lead professional ». The emphasis on partnership is not surprising given the long list of high-profile failures to adequately « combine » policy and practice. Pastoral Support will work with the school and form a close partnership with Elizabeth`s teachers, mother, grandmother and other professionals involved. Pastoral Support will identify any issues Elizabeth faces, whether at home or at school, and will aim to remove any barriers that may prevent Elizabeth from achieving her learning goal. Pastoral support aims to support children who are victims of bullying, children who are experiencing the change of becoming teenagers and those who face problems at home. Elizabeth will need a Pastoral Support Plan (PSP) that will help her improve her social, emotional and behavioural skills. A PSP will promote Elizabeth`s social inclusion and prevent Elizabeth from being excluded from school in the future. Some policies and procedures could be: Changing layers Policy and procedures Positive behaviour Policy and procedures Supervision of children during excursions and visits Policies and procedures Child protection and child protection Policies and procedures Information exchange Policies and procedures Information exchange Policy and procedures Policy and procedures Denunciation Policy and procedures Policy and procedures Question: Question 12 Answer: All those who work with children and young people have a professional responsibility to report concerns about colleagues who do not subscribe to protection procedures. This is called whistleblowing – you need to identify the very bad practice you experienced by telling your supervisor, a senior staff member or a protective employee what you saw.

Schools and organizations must have a protection policy that is regularly reviewed and updated. This is done so that employees know what to do if they think a child needs protection. Protection is a general term used that encompasses a number of aspects, one of which is child protection, the overall objective of ensuring the well-being of the child. Child protection in the family environment Providing a child with a safe and healthy family environment is very important for his or her well-being and is considered child protection in the sense that if parents cannot take care of the child, feed him, clothe him and protect him from damage at home, then it is a danger to the life of the child. A good partnership is also essential to building strong and effective relationships within and between organizations. Within an organization, this means taking a common approach to designing and delivering common services for the benefit of service users. Excellent communication and multidisciplinary teamwork are the key elements of a successful partnership within an organization and are fundamental to ensuring a smooth treatment approach. The development of coordinated, high-quality services in different institutions and care sectors requires the cooperation of organizations and agencies. This includes working across organizational boundaries between the legal, voluntary, municipal and independent sectors. Policing requires community- and problem-based policing, that is, collaboration between the Riverside Police Service and the Riverside community it serves.

The cooperation of the two resources should promote plans to identify and address the violent problems of the Riversides gangs. This joint partnership with the Riverside Police Department allows the Riverside community to take ownership of a positive social climate. The partnership between the two units requires all Riverside members to be proactive in efforts to improve the safety and quality of their neighbourhoods as well as Riverside schools. This partnership to fight and prevent crime required an emphasis on the way victoria Climbié` Riverside community, who died on February 25, 2000, became « the victim of almost unimaginable cruelty » (DoH, 2003, p. 1). Her aunt and her aunt`s boyfriend were convicted of murder a year later. The subsequent investigation revealed a catalogue of systemic errors, poor professional practices, poor leadership and mismanagement at a higher level, including a « terrible state of communication » within and between organizations (DoH, 2003, p. 9), failures to keep records and share information, lack of clear protocols between agencies, non-compliance with procedures and confusion of responsibilities. It also highlighted the poor relationships between employees of different organizations, the inability to understand each other`s role, the barriers to communication created by the stereotypes that different agencies had of each other, and organizations that worked on different programs. We may not always be able to share everything that children and youth tell us in our meetings with you, as we offer a confidential service. However, we encourage and support children to share relevant and important information with parents or trusted adults, and we will try to involve you in the work wherever possible. Often, we will include parents in the cooperation agreement, which details expectations for cooperation, including consent, confidentiality and protection procedures.

Police also did not thoroughly investigate Victoria`s home (apparently for fear of catching scabies), although other family members and Victoria`s childminder have expressed concerns. After this case, many lessons were learned and recommendations were made to prevent another similar tragedy. Partnership work means that any professional, be it the police, the NHS, education services, the NSPCC, psychologists or social workers, if they have concerns about the protection and well-being of children, should work with other agencies that are in contact with that child. Each of these professionals can have only one concern; However, the big picture is developing through partnership and information exchange. The Around the Child (CTA) team brings the various agencies together in a meeting where there are concerns about a child or family identified in a Common Assessment Framework (CAF). The CAF shares information and communication to identify areas where parents or children may need additional support. During the meeting, a written « action plan » is agreed upon by all; This plan should clarify the responsibilities of each team member. For example, the health visitor will be referred to speech therapy before X date.

The TAC brings together relevant practitioners and the family to address the unmet needs of the child or adolescent. Parents and caregivers are equal members of the team. TAC decides who will be the Senior Professional (SQ) to coordinate the action plan. The designated senior professional should serve as a one-stop shop for the child and family, coordinating the actions of the other professionals on the team and the review of the CAF action plan. Partnership at work has well-known advantages and, although the philosophy of cooperation is deeply rooted in contemporary labour policy, there is much to learn in the context of protecting and securing children when it comes to developing and promoting inter-agency cooperation for the well-being of children and young people. .